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The Truth in the Bones

African Sangoma
Gogo Masechaba

I met Gogo Masechaba in South Africa last January.  Gogo is a traditionally trained African Medicine Woman: a sangoma, an oracle of the ancestors. 

I sat for a reading; she laid out an altar and opened a small bag. As she prayed she threw stones and bones and shells across a sacred cloth.  Peering at the bones, she explained, "This piece," she said, pointing to a bit of mother of pearl, "represents your mother's people. See how it lies here, near this piece which is your sister. There is pain between you and her."  Her voice was rich and soft, compassionate and direct. Tears began to flow down my cheeks.

Later, as she dove into the challenges facing my dying godfather, her voice changed -resonating rough and loud as if from far away and her face took on a masculine quality, as one of her guides came through. For a moment I was astonished, then the message hit - "There is anger and fear, great anger, great fear, that

must be resolved.  You can help with this."  And I saw the room where he lay, I understood the energies I had already felt surrounding his death, I saw a way to serve. 

Gogo came back to herself, almost apologetic, "You came to ask about you, and were told about someone

else."  Then we both spoke about me.  About what was in my heart, about my path, my fears, my responsibilities.  As we spoke the path became clearer and the fear melted away.   I asked Gogo if she would come to Fallbrook Ceremony and give readings to our community, and she replied that she would, if the time was right.   Well, she's coming!  Gogo will be here between October 11 and 21st.  You can book time with her today.   

Please share this with anyone who you believe would be helped. Namaste Diane

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